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Exciting Links Regarding Many Topics



Anna Magdalena Bach is one of the topics of the year 2023. There is one single expert who knows her like no other expert on earth. It is Dr. Eberhardt Spree. Since our togetherness we have revised the matching FAQ, and now it is the reference to the iconography about Bach's second wife. On the English website you can find this FAQ by clicking here.



In Berlin Martin Doering publishes his internet portal Die Orgelseite. More than 6,000 pipe organs from over 80 countries around the world can be found there and of course there is pipe organ music on this site. Besides the offer in German there is also all information in English.



In the years 2019 to 2021, new websites have been created in the "Johann Sebastian Project" and the mission "Classical Music for Children" has been established. Together there are 11 more websites (... the German titles below first, English is next):



Klassik / Klassische Musik für Babys ... sorry, this website is in German only!



Klassik in Kindergarten und in der Kita ... sorry, this website is in German only!



Klassische Musik für Anfänger und Einsteiger ... sorry, this website is in German only!



Klassische Musik für Kinder



Classical Music for Children



Die Klassische-Musik-Top-100-Website



The Classical Music Works Top 100 Website



Website Was ist denn eigentlich Klassische Musik?



Website What Actually Is Classical Music?



... plus finally there is the very special project Unterrichtsmaterial Klassische Musik



Teaching Material Classical Music



The website of Laurens Mauquoi is an exciting reading on the subject of wine. And there is a lot to learn: about wine and all around the subject of wine. The website is Der Weinsnob. At the time we meet Laurens, we set up our own “wine calendar website”: It is the German website Weinkalender – Weinkalender. At the same time – for the American, British, Canadian and Australian markets – the matching site is created in English: Wine Calendars – Wine Calendars.



Have you been looking for a long time for your ancestors, more precisely for soldiers who were buried in the Kilianstollen in Alsace during WW I? They are recovered and we are looking for relatives.



Do you know the following pages of me? Here they are too, many Bach calendars. Of course, because our common project is a Bach project. Plus many composers calendars und finally, many really cool and exciting music calendars.



Plus, here is an additional website offering cool calendars related to the three themes of music, Bach plus composers: You'll find 33 Bach calendars. Of course, because our common project is a Bach project. Plus 33 composer calendars. That is, because we fell in love with so many historic and brand-new paintings of composers, plus, finally, 33 music calendars.



Since October 2017, there are more language variants in the International Section of the Website "Bach on Bach": The most exciting? They are the variants Arabic, Hindi, Georgian, Greek, Hebrew, Dutch, Urdu, Japanese, Polish, Chinese, Serbian, and Turkish.



The latest page in the offer of our genealogist Christian Hoske, who researches from Eisenach all over Thuringia and Germany, is his page, where he shows a way how to make a profession out of one's hobby "genealogy". However, this service is only available in German. The complete website is of course also available in English.



Who Is the Specialist Regarding the Topic Composers Calendars? "Bach 4 You" Is the Specialist Regarding the Topic Composers Calendars!


One of 33 composers calendars: My husband came up with the idea in the USA when he thought of the Mt. Rushmore Memorial in South Dakota: "Olympus of the Composers" was the original title for this unusual composers calendar. However, we dropped this initial title. Now the composers calendar is called "12 Composers – 12 Combinations". The special feature: Bach appears not only once but three times, Beethoven accompanies you not only one month but four months. There is certainly no other composer calendar like this or similar. And it is only one of our 33 cool composers calendars.


Music calendars with a huge grid, music gifts, Bach gifts … learn more here.


One Bach bust out of five Bach busts on the left, the 2024 Pipe Organ Calendar on the right.


33 Bach calendars, one Mozart calendar, one Beethoven calendar. To the shop.



Renate Bach Publishing "Bach 4 You" – Bildstrasse 25, 74223 Flein / Germany – Phone: +49 7131 576761 – info (at)